Mystery Dance
Mystery Dance is Bonnie Hayes, Tim Eschliman (Etta James, Commander Cody, Rhythmtown-Jive, New Copasetics), Sean Allen (Carlene Carter, Commander Cody) and Kevin Hayes (Robert Cray, Bonnie Hayes & the Wild Combo) doing originals and hand-curated covers by artists like Rockpile, Nick Lowe, Buddy & Julie Miller, Richard Thompson, John Hiatt, Elvis Costello, Lucinda Williams, NRBQ...

OK, so we got together and wanted to start a band
that just did songs we wrote and tunes we wished we'd writ....

...a mysteriously good new quartet, playing a mixture of cathartic rockingly unusual tunes...
...full-tilt fast & loose rock show.

"...power and grace, lots of positive tension, and joyously loud unpredictability..."

Mystery Dance at Sweewater
photo by Armando Morales
Mystery Dance at SCC
photo by Deborah Parrish
~ Next Shows ~
Mystery Dance rides again!
Aug. 11, 2024, Sunday, 6:00 pm

"Mystery Dance with Bonnie Hayes plus Roy Rogers & the Delta Rhythm Kings"
at Hopmonk, Novato, CA
Mystery Dance includes: Bonnie Hayes, Tim Eschliman, Kevin Hayes and Sean Allen ...Get Tickets here: exploratory full-tilt dance party fast & loose cathartic rockin' show...
Doing lots of originals, and plenty of rockin nut-case tunes we wished we'd writ!
Facebook Invitation:

Jan. 3, 2020, Friday, doors 8:00 p.m., show 9:00
"Mystery Dance with Bonnie Hayes"
Bonnie Hayes, Tim Eschliman, Kevin Hayes and Sean Allen
plus guests...
at Sweetwater Music Hall, Mill Valley, CA
Facebook Invitation:

NEWS flash: MD releases their first recording
"Keep Your Distance"
- a song for the times -
... Friday August 7, 2020. hear it now!

Thanks all, for your great attendance and serious partying at the recent shows.
We hope to see you soon. Thanks to Mary Jennings for most of these shots!

PYC PYC from behind Bon 9-25-10.gif Bonnie Hayes at PYC sept 25, 2010
    MD at PYC PYC dancers TE Bon 9-25-10 Hayes Eschliman
Hayes Eschliman Hayes Eschliman
Hayes Eschliman Hayes
Hayes Eschliman Hayes Hayes Eschliman Hayes

Mystery Dance
next >> songlist
contact   877-456-2301